First Aid Training
As an employer, it is essential to ensure that your company provides a safe working environment for both your staff and the public, whilst on your premises. Assessing First Aid needs and ensuring adequate provision should be a top priority for all organisations.
How many First Aiders do I need?
The Law
The Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981 Act states that employers must make sure they provide “adequate and appropriate first aid equipment, facilities, and personnel in the workplace”.
Are you compliant?
The precise wording of the law, can be deemed somewhat vague. What is “adequate”?
As an employer we suggest that a basic “needs assessment” is an ideal way to demonstrate to an HSE or local authority inspector how you decided on what first aid provision is required.
Consider the following:
- What type of work is carried out?
- Does the workplace have any high-level hazards?
- Does the workplace have a history of accidents?
- How many employees?
- Do employees work on shared or multi-occupancy sites
- Are there any lone, remote or travelling workers?
- Are workers in full time or part time jobs?
- What is the nature of the workforce? E.g. young workers, trainees, employees with disabilities or particular health problems.
- Is the workplace within easy distance and access for the emergency services?
- Consider holiday and other absences of those who will be first-aiders and appointed person!
You should ensure First Aiders are trained by a competent training provider in:
Emergency first aid at work (EFAW) – at this level they’re qualified to give emergency first aid to someone who is injured or becomes ill while at work
First aid at work (FAW) – qualified to EFAW level but can also apply first aid to a range of specific injuries and illnesses
To remain a qualified first aider, they must take FAW or EFAW requalification practical training every three years. HSE highly recommends that first aiders keep their skills up to date by taking refresher training every year.
You may decide that it is also beneficial to have personnel trained to identify and understand symptoms and able to support someone who might be experiencing a men
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