First Aid Training Providers

first aid training providers in north yorkshire

Choosing a First Aid Training Provider

In an earlier article, we focused on completing a first aid needs assessment for you company.

Step Two: Find a training provider that meet your criteria

As an employer it’s your responsibility to ensure that first aid courses, and how they are delivered, meet not only your requirements, but also the standards outlined by the HSE

The HSE has set out criteria in five key areas in their guidance to consider when choosing a training provider. These are as follows:


1)      The provider should have qualified trainers and assessors.

2)      The training company operates effective quality assurance procedures.

3)      Trainers teach currently accepted first aid practice.

4)      The course provides a suitable training syllabus that meets your needs.

5)      The provider issues compliant first aid certificates.


HSE First Aid Regulations

The HSE states that as long as the first aid training provider has the necessary skills and competence to teach first aid and a thorough quality assurance process, they do not need to be approved by an Awarding Organisation – but all of their first aid at work courses must meet the requirements set out in the document ‘selecting a first aid training provider- a guide for employers’ published by the HSE.


   1) The provider should have qualified trainers and assessors.

Consider the HSE Competence Checklist

·         Does the training provider have a current First Aid at Work certificate or qualify for an exemption?

·         Do they have an appropriate training/assessing qualification?

·         How often are their trainers and assessors assessed? Are they adhering to the HSE first aid regulations of a minimum re-assessment per annum? 


2) The training company operates effective quality assurance procedures.

Quality assurance accreditation demonstrates that providers meet the minimum standards required by the HSE. this could be through an Awarding Organisation or a quality management standard such as ISO 9001.

Training providers should meet the following criteria:

·         Have a documented quality assurance plan designating an individual to take responsibility for quality assurance, including assessment of the performance of trainers/assessors at least annually.

·         Have a current FAW certificate (or qualify for an exemption).

·         Have an assessing/verifying qualification.

·         Have a documented course evaluation procedure.

·         Have a documented complaints procedure.


3) Trainers teach currently accepted first aid practice.

The HSE first aid regulations state that training should be taught in accordance with current guidelines on adult basic life support published by the Resuscitation Council (UK), and for other aspects of first aid, in accordance with current guidelines published by the Voluntary Aid Societies (VAS) or other published guidelines that are supported by a responsible body of medical opinion.


   4) The course provides a suitable training syllabus that meets your needs.

To comply with your legal duties under the Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981 your choice of training provider must be “appropriate and adequate”, based on a needs assessment.

The hazards, risks and requirements highlighted in your first aid assessment will determine


 5) The provider issues compliant first aid certificates.

Learners must demonstrate a satisfactory level of competence and understanding in all aspects of the training course, before a training provider issues a first aid certificate

Valid certificates must state:

·         The candidate’s name

·         The training provider’s name

·         The full course title

·         The commencement date

·         The certificate should clearly state that it has been issued for the purposes of the Health and Safety (first aid) Regulations (1981) and Health and Safety (first aid) (amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2017.

·         The certificate should be noted as valid for three years.


Contact us for more details of KNW Training First Aid Courses. We have a selection of Open Courses held at our Training Suite in Bedale, North Yorkshire. We are also experienced in designing Bespoke courses to meet the individual needs of your organization or industry. 

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